Understanding COVIDphobia and why it’s harmful to society

Simon Sinclair
2 min readNov 13, 2022

OP ED (satire)

There are many things going on in the culture today that need to be addressed. Homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, exponential crime in red states, and Donald Trump’s obvious and racist ties to the color orange, to name a few. But I think that one issue has gone relatively unaddressed that needs to be spoken out about and that is COVIDphobia.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

COVIDphobia can be defined as the intense hatred of the novel Coronavirus — just as homophobia is the hatred of things that are the same, transphobia is the hatred of change, and xenophobia is the hatred of the “warrior princess” from the nineties. I know many people who have made absurd claims such as, “Coronavirus is bad because it kills people”, or, “You should get vaccinated to keep COVID away”. NO!!! Those are speciesist claims made by GOP terrorists who want to destroy everything that is good and amazing and fabulous in this world, like COVID. It’s also racist because COVID came from China seeking refuge from beyond our borders. We must accept COVID as our friend and our equal, providing it with the care that it needs instead of turning it away. That’s just the kind thing to do. So, instead of wearing a mask when you’re around people blessed to give COVID shelter, embrace COVID and let it in just like Doctor Fauci, the supreme intelligence of the universe and Science Incarnate let COVID into our country. I want to see people taking to Twitter and Facebook by storm and condemning these COVIDphobic practices by GOP terrorists and telling them to get out of our country and never return because they are stupid and racist and homophobic and shouldn’t have any right to say anything ever again because I disagree with them. Hate speech against COVID and against women and gays will NOT be tolerated in the States of America.



Simon Sinclair

Aspiring novelist and author of “The Sinclair Files” on substack.com